Mission Statement
New York Boulders management is committed to providing exemplary customer service while maintaining a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all our guests. Our staff will proactively seek out opportunity to create and maintain a family-oriented environment at Clover Stadium.
ADA Friendly
Clover Stadium was designed to be universally accessible and comfortable for all fans with disabilities.
Alcohol Management
In compliance with New York State law, anyone under the age of 21 will not be served alcohol. A valid form of identification is required to purchase alcohol. Violators of the law will be removed from the premises and reported to the appropriate authorities.
Dogs are allowed to the ballpark every game, except for firework nights!
There are no ATM's located in Clover Stadium at this time.
While fans are receiving autographs, please be courteous to players of both teams, as well as to those fans that are nearby. Keep in mind players will try to accommodate as many fans as possible, but are subject to other obligations both before and after the game. Please refrain from trying to get autographs from team personnel during the game.
Baby Changing Tables
Baby Changing Tables are located in all restrooms at Clover Stadium. There is also a "Family and Feeding Restroom” located on the 3rd base side behind Section 111.
Bag Searches
All bags are subject to inspection prior to entering the ballpark. See “prohibited items” for a detailed list of illicit items.
Ball Park Information
Capacity: 6362
Surface: Natural Grass
Left Field: 323 ft.
Power Alley: 383 ft.
Center Field: 403 ft.
Right Field Short Porch: 312 ft.
Bark in the Park
Every home game, (except Fireworks Nights) fans can bring their dogs out to the ballpark free of charge. Water trays will be placed around the concourse as well as a designated bathroom area located just outside the front gate.
Batting Cages
Batting cages are located on the right field line behind Section 100. During home games, fans can take some swings for free (note, cage is not open for all games). Please be respectful of patrons waiting in line.
Bicycle Parking Racks
Staff and guests who wish to bike to the ballpark can make use of any of the two bicycle parking racks located outside the front gates. Please properly secure all bikes and valuables as the New York Boulders are not responsible for any items lost or stolen.
Billboard Monster
These seats are located to the right of the center field wall and right above the right center field wall. These bleacher seats come with a bar top table for fan convenience.
Birthday Announcements
If you would like a birthday announcement, put in your request at least 24 hours in advance by calling the Boulders Front Office at (845) 364 - 0009. There is a $25 fee to have your message displayed on the scoreboard.
Birthday Zone
This picnic area is located near the playground down the first base line.
BoulderBird is the official mascot of the New York Boulders.
BoulderBird Suite
Located in Suite #11, this is a themed suite based on our mascot, Boulder Bird. It is a premium catered area located on the suite level.
BoulderBird's Kids Club
BoulderBird's Kids Club is free to sign up, you can do that right on our website. Members get a BoulderBird's Kids Club card, one free ticket to Sunday home games, 10% off in the team store, plus more!
Kids 12 and under are welcome to enjoy the BoulderBerg playground located by the right field gate, with parental supervision. BoulderBerg may be closed down at any time.
Boulder Bucks
Our very own Boulder Bucks are gift cards that you can use at the concession stands and in the Team Store. Boulder Bucks are only available through special promotions.
Brew Pub
Located behind Section 114, the Brew Pub offers Craft Beer for patrons 21 and older.
Bridge Bar
Guests are able to hang out and enjoy some drinks (with proper identification) during the game at the Bridge Bar located in left field. The Bridge Bar has post-game performances on select Saturdays. Guests must be at least 21 years of age to enter the Bridge Bar.
The B-Train, which is open for public use during most games (weather permitting), travels around the stadium beginning at the top of the 2nd inning, and accepts the last fan in line at the top of 7th inning. The line for the B-Train is formed just to the left of the WRCR Building in Center Field.
Cameras and Video Equipment
Cameras and video equipment are permitted. Video cameras may not be used to reproduce the game. Photographers may not interfere with other guests to obtain pictures.
Cell Phones
Guests are permitted the use of cellular phones so long as the use of the phones will cause not interference with the players, and fellow guests’ enjoyment of the game. For guest safety, it is encouraged to keep cell phones away in order to pay close attention to the game.
Championship Suite
Located in Suite #2, it is decorated with memorabilia from our Can Am League championship season in 2014. This is a Premium catered area located on the suite level.
Charity Challenge
Local nonāprofits benefit from fundraising activities during a particular Boulders home game. At the conclusion of the season, the organization raising the most funds through the sale of merchandise, donations, tickets, and concessions where applicable, will be the winner of the Charity Challenge and will be afforded another fundraising opportunity at the ballpark during opening night of the upcoming season. Application necessary. For more information contact us at (845) 364 - 0009.
Children age three and under may be admitted to Boulders games without a ticket, but need to sit in the lap of an accompanying adult. Children age four and above require a ticket. Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult to enter Clover Stadium.
The ballpark features six different concession stands located on the main concourse. Hot Dog Nation is located behind Section 111. Home Plate Grille is located behind Section 115. The Show is located behind Sections 104 and 105. The Bridge Bar is located behind the Left Field foul pole and the Brew Pub is located behind section 114 (you must be 21 to enter these two areas). 16 Handles is located on the third base side behind section 115.
Credit Cards
All major credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover) are accepted at most merchandise and food locations at the ballpark.
Disability Liaison
The New York Boulders offer a disability liaison program in which a designated staff member is assigned each game to answer any questions and concerns on our accommodations for guests with disabilities in order to make our game experience as enjoyable and accommodating as possible.
Dugout of Dreams
Premium area connected to the Boulders Dugout. Fans have the opportunity to watch the game from the same point of view as the players.
The Boulders reserve the right to eject any person(s) whose behavior is considered unruly or found illegal. Game tickets will be collected without refund and the individual will be escorted from the ballpark. Ejected guests trying to re-enter the ballpark may be arrested for trespassing.
The main elevator is located through the main lobby entrance which leads to the Suite Level and Team Offices. In addition, a service elevator is located in the concessions hallway if needed in emergency.
Emergency Plan / Procedure
In the event of an emergency, please follow the directions of the PA announcer as well as the image shown on the scoreboard. If an evacuation is necessary, please head towards the nearest gate in a calm, orderly fashion. If there is a life-threatening situation, call 911.
Firework displays are scheduled several times during the season. For exact dates check out the Boulders Schedule. Fireworks are set off immediately following the game. At any time, fireworks may be cancelled.
First Aid
The First Aid station is located behind Section 110 on the concourse. The First Aid Station is staffed by certified EMS personal. Please see the nearest staff member or visit the Customer Service Desk to be escorted to First Aid.
Flaherty Suite
Located in Suite #8, it is decorated with memorabilia from John Flaherty’s playing days. This is a premium catered area located on the suite level.
Foul Balls
Fans may keep any foul ball that is hit or thrown into the stands. However, any ball or bat thrown can potentially be dangerous. Please stay alert at all times.
Food or Beverages
Fans may bring one unopened water bottle onto the premises.
Game Broadcasts
All home games are broadcast on AM-1700 WRCR and www.frontierleague.com. Fans can also pay for frontierleaguetv.com with a monthly subscription.
There are two main entry gates into the park. The two main gates are the front gates which are located next to the team store and the right field gates which are located next to the playground.
Gates Open
The New York Boulders will open all gates Monday - Thursday 30 minutes (unless otherwise stated) before game time. On all Friday and Sunday games, gates open 1 hour before game time, unless otherwise stated. Saturday games, gates will open 2 hours prior to game time, typically for pre-game entertainment (TBD).
Gift Cards
See Boulder Bucks.
Giveaway Nights
Most giveaway items are distributed to a predetermined number of qualified attendees (ex. the first 2,500 fans, the first 1,500 fans 14 and younger, etc.) As soon as the gates open, that quantity is given out. Items are distributed on a "first come, first served" basis, so early arrival is encouraged. Note that Season Ticket Members automatically receive all giveaway items if in attendance.
Grandstand Seats
Seats located underneath the scoreboard and left of the center field wall.
Group Areas/Group Events and Tickets
Group Events are perfect for family gatherings, work functions, client appreciation events, conferences, youth group outings, field trips, or just some good friends who want to share a fun-filled Boulders experience together. Group outings must consist of 20+ guests. We offer numerous areas for group outings. These areas include: Birthday Zone, Short Porch, Sunset Deck, Home Plate Plaza, Loge Boxes, and Luxury Suites. For more information on group sales, please call (845) 364 – 0009.
Handicap Parking
Approximately 20+ parking spaces are designated for our guests with disabilities, located to the right of the box office windows.
Home Plate Plaza
Picnic area located behind home plate, can accommodate parties from 20 to 4,000 people.
The New York Boulders are not liable for any harm, injury, or damages sustained by any spectator or to any spectator's property, including all risk whether foreseen or unforeseen. If you, or someone you are with is injured please seek the closest staff member and report to First Aid located behind Section 110. If it is a life-threatening emergency, call 911.
Kids Meal
Kids Meals are not available at our concession stands. However, they do offer options for children such as chicken tenders and hot dogs.
Kosher Food
We are currently assessing our Kosher food options for the 2023 season - please check back soon.
Loge Box
Smaller, premium boxes located on our main concourse level.
Lost and Found
Lost articles are held for 30 days. Guests may bring lost and found items to the front desk located in the main lobby or call the Boulders Front Office at (845) 364 - 0009.
Lost Children and Parents
Children and parents who have become separated should immediately be escorted to Customer Service located in the suite lobby. After all game day staff are informed that a child is missing, all entrances and exits will be tightly monitored and staff will begin strategically searching for the missing individual.
The Boulders Team Store is open during all Boulders home games. The team store provides a variety of Boulders hats, clothing, and souvenirs. Please call (845) 364-0009 for our off-season hours.
Metal Detecting
For all of our guests' safety upon entering the gates, all fans are subject to be scanned. For a list of items not allowed in the ballpark, please refer to the “prohibited items” section.
National Anthem Singer
Persons interested in performing the Nation Anthem at Boulders home games can contact us at (845) 364 – 0009. Auditions are held at the ballpark in the spring.
Ultra Cross Braided Dyneema Netting, used by multiple MLB organizations is stretched from third to first base to maximize protection. With a 95% see-through visibility rate, fans can feel safe and enjoy quality baseball.
No Re-entry
For the safety of all New York Boulders guests, we have a strict no re-entry policy. Please make sure to prepare all necessary items in advance such as medicine, sunscreen, paperwork, phones, cameras, and any other items you may need during the course of the game.
Non-Game Day Events
For all non-game day events, please visit www.nyboulders.com or contact the Boulders Offices at (845) 364 – 0009 for all inquiries.
Nursing Room
Located on the third base side of the concourse, the room is furnished and open to all fans free of charge.
On-Field Access/Media Credentials/Clubhouse
Only authorized personnel will be permitted on the field before and during games. Any unauthorized person entering the field, on top of the dugouts, or in the clubhouse will be removed from the premises and subject to prosecution.
Owners Suite
Located in Suite #5, this is a premium catered area located on the suite level and located directly behind home plate.
The parking lot holds approximately 1,300 individual parking spaces. Parking for all events is $5.00 for cars and $10.00 for buses, RV's, and other oversized vehicles. The parking lot opens two hours before game time.
Party Suite
For information regarding the Hudson or Palisades Room, please contact the Group Sales Office at (845) 364 – 0009 or by visiting www.nyboulders.com.
Press Passes
Information on how to obtain press passes and media credentials may be obtained by contacting (845) 364-0009. Please note that a press pass does not grant access to Suites and Administrative Offices.
Prohibited Items
Food, weapons of any kind (even with a concealed weapons permit), containers such as coolers or thermoses, lawn chairs, balloons, banners or signs that are not in the spirit of the event or that obstruct the view of others, umbrellas, non-service animals, contraband, and compressed air horns are all prohibited.
Promotion Nights
For a full promotional schedule, see the "Schedule" tab and click Promotions.
Radio and Televisions
Single speaker radio and hand-held televisions are permitted in the ballpark as long as their playing level does not interfere with other fans' enjoyment of the game.
Rain Checks
In the event that a game is postponed, fans may exchange their tickets at a future 2023 regular season home game. Your ticket is good for one full calendar year from the rainout. There are no cash refunds for tickets, and dates for ticket exchanges are subject to ticket availability. A complete game consists of 4 ½ innings if the New York Boulders are ahead and five innings if they are trailing or the score is tied. In the event that inclement weather forces postponement of any game prior to that point, the NY Boulders rain check policy takes effect.
Restrooms are located on the main concourse on the 1st and 3rd base side, as well as on the suite level behind suite 12. In addition, one family bathroom is located behind section 111 on the 3rd base side. All of the restrooms are wheelchair accessible and have a baby changing station.
Sales Table
Located directly in front of Loge Box #4 and next to the team store.
Scalping tickets is prohibited.
Seat/Section Numbering
Our sections in the ballpark start at Section 100 in front of the batting cage and ascend, looping to the Billboard Monster at Section 130. Home Plate seating ascends A (closest to the field) to Z (farthest from the field) ranging from 1 – 20, right to left.
In the event of a security problem, please notify a uniformed police officer, security personal, Boulders security staff, or report to the Customer Service Booth.
Smoking Area
There are two areas located in the ballpark that guests are allowed to smoke. The first is located next to our Home Plate Plaza party area, behind home plate. The second is in the Bridge Bar near the back gate. Please be courteous of all guests and put out all cigarettes in the designated smokers can. These locations may be changed at any time.
Short Porch
Catered premium area located directly behind the right field wall.
Sold Out Games
In the event that a game is sold out, the Boulders will offer general admission tickets for day of game sales. Those tickets will be available when the box office opens.
Sunset Deck
Catered premium area on our suite level overlooking third base.
One car = one space. Please be considerate of your fellow ticket holders. Tailgating will be limited to the lined parking space and the area directly behind or in front of each vehicle. The blocking of the drive lane is prohibited.
Ticket Prices
Non-Firework Days: Infield Premium - $18/ Infield Box - $16/ Outfield Box - $12 / Bleachers - $10
Premium % Fireworks Days: Additional $2 charge to each ticket
Day-of Purchase: Additional $1 charge to each ticket
Online ticket purchases are subject to service fees.
Ticket Sales & Services
For all questions about tickets contact our Front Office at (845) 364 – 0009 or visit www.nyboulders.com.
V.I.P. Parking
No admission unless you are given an official New York Boulders V.I.P. Parking Pass. The V.I.P. Lot is located in the main parking lot in front of the suite lobby. Parking Passes must be hung on rear-view mirrors and show at all times. Passes are designated for corporate sponsors and exclusive guests who support the Boulders.
Water Fountains
The water fountain is located between the Men’s and Women’s restrooms on the 1st base side and next to the Brew Pub on the 3rd base side.
Wheelchair Access
Our ballpark is wheelchair-accessible and meets all ADA Requirements. There are wheelchair-accessible seats at the top of the seating bowl along the concourse. Folding chairs are also available for companion seating. Fans with special requests or needs may visit the Disability Liaison at the Customer Service Desk for assistance.
Will Call
Fans purchasing tickets over the phone or on the Internet may pick up their tickets at the Will Call office located next to the Suite Lobby entrance. Guests must have proper photo identification to pickup tickets.
Our 50/50 representatives sell tickets each night throughout the game up until the 8th inning. The nightly drawing supports that evening’s Charity or our Boulders Community Fund account, which donates to individuals or tax-exempt organizations.
The Ballpark